A non-profit, tax-exempt organisation based in Washington, D.. whose mission is to provide grants for scientific research and public education projects dealing with the UFO phenomenon. Since 1979 has raised more than $150,000.00 from more than 2000 contributors. Also sponsors and awards the annual Donald E. Keyhoe Journalism Award." The Fund sponsors such projects the release of U.S. Government documents concerning UFOs under the Freedom of Information Act,computer-aided analysis of UFO photographs, research into major UFO sightings around the world, research into "Operation Majestic 12", psychological testing of people who reported being abducted by apparent aliens, international symposiums and conducts interviews and lectures. The Fund takes the position that many reported UFOs cannot be identified as conventional aerial vehicles or phenomena. Thus, UFO reports are potentially of enormous significance and merit serious scientific research.

P.O. Box 277
Mt. Rainier, Maryland 20712
Bruce Maccabee, PhD (Chairman)
Publication is: Quarterly Report
Founded in 1979
2000 Members

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